Hey, It’s Trenise! I am an advocate for untold stories, believing that our narratives bring light. Guided by God, I've established two platforms: Hey It's Trenise, my blog where I share a transparent view of my life as a creative of faith, and Your World On Film, my company where I assist others in visually expressing the personality of their brand, campaigns, and projects.
My passion for photography and videography ignited when my mom gave me a tape recorder and disposable camera. Experiencing the results of recording my voice and capturing moments through pictures introduced me to the world of storytelling.
In high school, learning video editing added another layer to my storytelling skills, deepening my love for narrative art. I realized the importance of everyone embracing storytelling and sharing their unique experiences with others. Witnessing the impact of visuals and audio on memories inspired me to help others share their stories.
Today, I feel privileged to create visual stories not only for my hometown, Charleston, SC, but also across the United States and globally. I am grateful to have you on this journey as I strive to fulfill my purpose and become the best version of myself as I am inspired by God.
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